▼NEigen | |
►Ninternal | |
Cgeneric_product_impl< votca::xtp::DipoleDipoleInteraction, Vtype, DenseShape, DenseShape, GemvProduct > | |
Cgeneric_product_impl< votca::xtp::HamiltonianOperator< MatrixReplacementA, MatrixReplacementB >, Mtype, DenseShape, DenseShape, GemmProduct > | |
Cgeneric_product_impl< votca::xtp::MatrixFreeOperator, Mtype, DenseShape, DenseShape, GemmProduct > | |
Ctraits< votca::xtp::DipoleDipoleInteraction > | |
Ctraits< votca::xtp::HamiltonianOperator< MatrixReplacementA, MatrixReplacementB > > | |
Ctraits< votca::xtp::MatrixFreeOperator > | |
▼Npyxtp | |
CXTPCalculators | |
CXTPTools | |
▼Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< votca::tools::Edge > | |
Chash< votca::tools::ReducedEdge > | |
▼Nvotca | Base class for all analysis tools |
►Ncsg | |
CAnalysisTool | |
CBaseBead | Information about a base bead |
CBead | Information about a bead |
CBeadList | |
CBeadMap | |
CBeadMotif | Designed determine what kind of structure a beadstructure has |
CBeadMotifConnector | Simple class for storing the connections between motifs and the underlying beads that are part of the connection |
CBeadPair | A particle pair |
►CBeadStructure | Designed to determine if the structure beads passed in |
CBeadInfo | Small structure to help store bead info relevant to the structure |
CBeadTriple | A triplet of tree Beads |
CBondBead | |
CBondedStatistics | Class calculates data associated with bond interactions |
CBoundaryCondition | Class keeps track of how the boundaries of the system are handled |
CCGEngine | Coarse graining engine |
►CCGMoleculeDef | Definition of a coarse grained molecule |
Cbeaddef_t | |
CCGObserver | Observer class for analysis hook |
►CCsgApplication | |
CWorker | Worker, derived from Thread, does the work |
CCsgUnits | Class keeps track csgs default units, for when unit conversions are necessarry |
CDLPOLYTopologyReader | Class for reading dlpoly topology files |
CDLPOLYTrajectoryReader | Class for reading dlpoly trajectory and configuration files |
CDLPOLYTrajectoryWriter | Class for writing dlpoly trajectory and configuration files |
►CExclusionList | |
Cexclusion_t | |
CFileFormatFactory | |
CGMXTopologyReader | Reader for gromacs topology files |
CGMXTrajectoryReader | Class for reading gromacs trajectory files |
CGMXTrajectoryWriter | |
CGROReader | Reader for gro files |
CGROWriter | |
CH5MDTrajectoryReader | Class for reading H5MD trajectory |
CIAngle | Angle interaction |
CIBond | Bond interaction |
CIDihedral | Dihedral interaction |
►CImc | Class to calculate distribution functions and cross correlations for inverse monte carlo |
Cgroup_t | Struct to store collected information for groups (e.g. crosscorrelations) |
Cinteraction_t | Struct to store collected information for interactions |
Cpair_t | |
CWorker | |
CIMCNBSearchHandler | |
CInteraction | Base class for all interactions |
CLAMMPSDataReader | Class for reading lammps data files |
CLAMMPSDumpReader | Class for reading lammps dump files |
CLAMMPSDumpWriter | |
CMap | |
CMap_Ellipsoid | |
►CMap_Sphere | |
Celement_t | |
CMolecule | Information about molecules |
CMoleculeItem | |
CMotifDeconstructor_ | This is an internal class meant to deconstruct bead motifs into their simple forms |
►CNBList | Neighbour list class |
CFunctor | |
CFunctorMember | Functor for member functions |
CFunctorNonMember | Functor for non-member functions |
►CNBList_3Body | Neighbour list class for 3 body interactions |
CFunctor | |
CFunctorMember | Functor for member functions |
CFunctorNonMember | Functor for non-member functions |
►CNBListGrid | |
Ccell_t | |
►CNBListGrid_3Body | |
Ccell_t | |
CNematicOrder | |
COpenBox | |
COrthorhombicBox | |
CPairList | |
CPDBReader | |
CPDBWriter | |
CPotentialFunction | |
CPotentialFunctionCBSPL | |
CPotentialFunctionLJ126 | |
CPotentialFunctionLJG | |
►CRDFCalculator | Class to calculate distribution functions and cross correlations for inverse monte carlo |
Cgroup_t | Struct to store collected information for groups (e.g. crosscorrelations) |
Cinteraction_t | Struct to store collected information for interactions |
Cpair_t | |
CWorker | |
CResidue | Class for a residue |
CStdAnalysis | |
CTabulatedPotential | Tabulated Potential calculates histograms of bead interactions |
CTopology | Topology of the whole system |
CTopologyMap | |
CTopologyReader | |
CTrajectoryReader | Trajectoryreader interface |
CTrajectoryWriter | |
CTriclinicBox | |
CTripleList | |
CXMLBead | |
CXMLMolecule | |
CXMLTopologyReader | |
CXYZReader | Class for reading xyz files |
CXYZWriter | |
►Ntools | |
►Ninternal | |
Ctype | |
CAkimaSpline | An Akima Spline Class |
CApplication | |
CAverage | |
CCalculator | Base class for all calculators |
CColor | |
CColorScheme | |
CColorSchemeBase | |
CCorrelate | Class to calculate correlations of values |
CCrossCorrelate | Class to calculate cross correlations and autocorrelations |
CcsDefault | |
CcsRGB | |
CCubicSpline | A cubic spline class |
►CDataCollection | This class handles a set of arrays which can be identified by name tags |
Carray | The array class, extends vector by a name tag |
Cselection | Class for array selection |
CEdge | Connects to vertices |
CEdgeContainer | EdgeContainer is responsible for operations on groups of edges |
CEigenSystem | |
CElements | Information about an element |
Cglobals | Class to store global variables |
CGraph | |
CGraph_BF_Visitor | |
CGraph_DF_Visitor | |
CGraphDistVisitor | |
CGraphNode | A graph node that will take a variety of different values |
CGraphVisitor | |
►CHistogram | Class to generate histograms |
Coptions_t | |
CHistogramNew | Class to generate histograms |
CIdentity | Information about Identity |
CLinSpline | A Linear Spline Class |
CMutex | |
CName | Name object |
CNDimVector | N-Dim Vector |
CObjectFactory | Template class for object factory |
COptionsHandler | |
CProperty | Class to manage program options with xml serialization functionality |
CPropertyIOManipulator | Manipulates the format state of the output stream |
CRandom | |
►CRangeParser | RangeParser |
Cblock_t | |
Citerator | |
CReducedEdge | Connects two vertices, also stores the vertices between the endpoints |
CReducedGraph | Contains a graph that consits of vertices with degree of 1 or greater than 3 |
CSpline | Spline Class |
CStructureParameters | Provides a means to standardise the constructors of different classes |
CTable | Class to store tables like rdfs, tabulated potentials, etc |
CThread | Framework for threaded execution |
CTokenizer | Break string into words |
CUnitConverter | Class converts between different unit types |
►Nxtp | Charge transport classes |
►Ncheckpoint_utils | |
CInferDataType | |
CInferDataType< double > | |
CInferDataType< float > | |
CInferDataType< int > | |
CInferDataType< long int > | |
CInferDataType< std::string > | |
CInferDataType< unsigned > | |
CActiveDensityMatrix | |
CADIIS_costfunction | |
CAmplitudeIntegration | |
CAnderson | Anderson mixing as convergence acceleration in SCF/fixed point problems |
CAOBasis | Container to hold Basisfunctions for all atoms |
CAOCoulomb | |
CAODipole | |
►CAOGaussianPrimitive | |
Cdata | |
CAOKinetic | |
CAOMatrix | |
CAOMultipole | |
CAOOverlap | |
CAOPlanewave | |
CAOPotential | |
►CAOShell | |
CAOValues | |
CAOTransform | |
►CAtom | |
Cdata | |
CAtomContainer | |
CAxA | |
CBasisSet | |
►CBSE | |
CExpectationValues | |
CInteraction | |
Coptions | |
CBSE_Population | |
CBSECoupling | Evaluates electronic coupling elements |
CBSEOperator_Options | |
CCalculatorfactory | |
CChargecarrier | |
CCheckpointFile | |
CCheckpointReader | |
CCheckpointWriter | |
CClassicalSegment | |
►CConvergenceAcc | |
Coptions | |
CCoupling | |
CCouplingBase | Base Class to derive DFT and BSE coupling from |
CCptTable | |
CCubeFile_Writer | |
CCudaMatrix | |
CCudaMatrixBlock | |
CCudaMatrixTranspose | |
CCudaPipeline | |
►CDavidsonSolver | Use Davidson algorithm to solve A*V=E*V |
CProjectedSpace | |
CRitzEigenPair | |
CDeltaQ_filter | ChargeTransfer_filter tracks states according to how much charge is on a fragment A and the rest of the molecule |
CDensity2Gyration | |
CDensity_filter | Density_filter tracks states according to the difference of their density matrix to an earlier state |
CDensityAnalysis | |
CDensityIntegration | |
CDFTcoupling | Evaluates electronic coupling elements |
CDFTEngine | Electronic ground-state via Density-Functional Theory |
CDftGwBse | |
CDiabatization | |
►CDipoleDipoleInteraction | |
CInnerIterator | |
CEAnalyze | |
CECPAOBasis | Container to hold ECPs for all atoms |
CECPBasisSet | |
CECPElement | |
CECPGaussianPrimitive | |
CECPShell | |
►CeeInteractor | Mediates interaction between polar and static sites |
CE_terms | |
CEInternal | |
CElement | |
CEnergy_terms | |
CEQM | Run DFT/GWBSE calculations |
CERDiabatization | |
CERIs | Takes a density matrix and and an auxiliary basis set and calculates the electron repulsion integrals |
CEsp2multipole | |
CEspfit | |
►CEulerMaclaurinGrid | |
Cmin_exp | |
CExcitonCoupling | |
CFCDDiabatization | |
CFilterFactory | |
CFunctionEvaluation | |
CGauss_Hermite_Quadrature | |
CGauss_Laguerre_Quadrature | |
CGauss_Legendre_Quadrature | |
CGauss_Legendre_Quadrature_Base | |
CGauss_modified_Legendre_Quadrature | |
CGaussianPrimitive | |
CGaussianQuadratureBase | |
CGaussianWriter | |
CGenCube | |
CGLink | |
CGMHDiabatization | |
CGNode | |
CGPUBenchmark | |
CGrid | |
CGridBox | |
CGridboxRange | |
►CGridContainers | |
CCartesian_gridpoint | |
Cradial_grid | |
Cspherical_grid | |
►CGW | |
Coptions | |
CQPFunc | |
CGWBSE | Electronic excitations from GW-BSE |
CGWBSEEngine | Electronic Excitations via Density-Functional Theory |
CGyrationtensor | |
CHamiltonianOperator | |
Chist | |
►ChuffmanTree | |
ChuffmanNode | |
CIAnalyze | |
CIEXCITON | Evaluates Transition Charge distributions classically |
►CImaginaryAxisIntegration | |
Coptions | |
CIncrementalFockBuilder | |
CIndexParser | |
CIQM | DFT & GWBSE-based coupling elements |
►CJob | |
CJobResult | |
CJobCalculator | |
CJobCalculatorfactory | |
CJobTopology | |
CKMCCalculator | |
CKMCLifetime | |
CKMCMultiple | |
CLebedevGrid | |
CLocalisation_filter | Localisation_filter tracks states according to how localised they are in a specific region |
CLog2Mps | |
CLogBuffer | |
CLogger | Logger is used for thread-safe output of messages |
CMapChecker | |
CMat_p_Energy | |
CMatrixFreeOperator | |
CMd2QmEngine | |
CMMRegion | |
CMol2Orb | |
CMolden | |
CMolPol | |
CNBO | |
CNeighborlist | |
CNewtonRapson | Newton Rapson rootfinder for 1d functions |
►COpenMP_CUDA | |
CCPU_data | |
CDefaultReference | |
COptimiser_costfunction | |
COrb2Fchk | |
COrb2Mol | |
COrbitals | Container for molecular orbitals |
COrbReorder | |
COrca | |
COscillatorStrength_filter | OscillatorStrength_filter tracks states according to their f-value only works for singlets |
COverlap_filter | Overlap_filter tracks states according to their overlap with a previous state |
CPairCalculator | |
►CParallelXJobCalc | |
CJobOperator | |
CPartialcharges | |
CPMLocalization | |
CPolarRegion | |
►CPolarSite | Class to represent Atom/Site in electrostatic+polarization |
Cdata | |
CPopulationanalysis | |
►CPotentialIO | |
Cdata | |
CPPM | |
CProgObserver | |
►CQMAtom | Container for QM atoms |
Cdata | |
CQMCalculator | |
CQMFragment | |
CQMMM | QM/MM with different regions around |
CQMMolecule | |
CQMNBList | |
►CQMPackage | |
CMinimalMMCharge | |
CQMPackageFactory | |
►CQMPair | |
Cdata | |
CQMRegion | |
CQMState | Identifier for QMstates. Strings like S1 are converted into enum +zero indexed int |
CQMStateCarrierStorage | Storage class for properties of QMStateTypes, which can be used in KMC |
CQMStateType | |
CQMThread | |
CQMTool | |
CQMToolFactory | |
CQuadratureFactory | |
►CRate_Engine | |
CPairRates | |
CRegion | |
CRegular_Grid | |
►CRPA | |
Crpa_eigensolution | |
CSegId | |
CSegment | |
►CSegmentMapper | |
CFragInfo | |
CSeginfo | |
CShell | |
►CSigma_base | |
Coptions | |
CSigma_CDA | |
CSigma_Exact | |
CSigma_PPM | |
CSigmaFactory | |
CSpectrum | |
CStateApplication | |
CStateFilter_base | Base Class for statefilter |
CStateSaver | |
CStateTracker | Tracks from a spectrum of states the state, which fullfills certain criteria |
CStaticRegion | |
►CStaticSite | Class to represent Atom/Site in electrostatic |
Cdata | |
CSymmetric_Matrix | |
CTCMatrix | |
CTCMatrix_dft | |
CTCMatrix_gwbse | |
CTimeStamp | Timestamp returns the current time as a string Example: cout << TimeStamp() |
CTopology | Container for segments and box and atoms |
CTransitionDensities | Generalized transition densities tools for different excited states |
►CTrustRegion | |
CTrustRegionFunction | |
CVAverage | |
Cvc2index | This class transforms a pair of indices v,c into a compound index I, via I=ctotal*v+c the fast dimension is c. If you have a choice iterate over c and v not over I |
CVxc_Functionals | Conversion of functional string into integer |
CVxc_Grid | |
►CVxc_Potential | |
CXC_entry | |
CXtpApplication | |
CXTPDFT | Wrapper for the internal XTP DFT engine |
CLog | |
CCG_IMC_solve | Solves linear system for IMCS |
▼CCGForceMatching | Implements force matching algorithm using cubic spline basis set |
CSplineInfo | Structure, which contains CubicSpline object with related parameters |
CCGOrderParam | |
CCsgBoltzmann | |
CCsgDensityApp | |
CCsgDumpApp | |
CCsgFluctuations | |
CCsgMapApp | |
CCsgParallelTestApp | |
CCsgPartialRdfApp | |
CCsgRadiiApp | |
CCsgREupdate | |
CCsgREupdateWorker | |
CCsgStatApp | |
CCsgTestApp | |
CDLPTopolApp | Class for writing dlpoly topology files |
CGmxTopolApp | |
CMyWorker | |
COrientCorrApp | |
CPotentialInfo | |
CRDFWorker | |
CTrajForce | Adds/subtracts forces from given atomistic trajectories |
CVotcaProperty | |
CXtpMap | |
CXtpParallel | |
CXtpRun | |
CXtpTools | |