votca 2024.2-dev
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 Cvotca::xtp::AmplitudeIntegration< Grid >
 Cvotca::xtp::AndersonAnderson mixing as convergence acceleration in SCF/fixed point problems
 Cvotca::xtp::AOBasisContainer to hold Basisfunctions for all atoms
 Cvotca::xtp::AOPotential< T >
 Cvotca::xtp::AOPotential< double >
 Cvotca::xtp::AOPotential< std::complex< double > >
 Cvotca::xtp::AtomContainer< T >
 Cvotca::xtp::AtomContainer< Atom >
 Cvotca::xtp::AtomContainer< PolarSite >
 Cvotca::xtp::AtomContainer< QMAtom >
 Cvotca::tools::Average< T >
 Cvotca::tools::Average< double >
 Cvotca::csg::BaseBeadInformation about a base bead
 Cvotca::csg::BeadStructure::BeadInfoSmall structure to help store bead info relevant to the structure
 Cvotca::csg::BeadMotifConnectorSimple class for storing the connections between motifs and the underlying beads that are part of the connection
 Cvotca::csg::BeadPairA particle pair
 Cvotca::csg::BeadStructureDesigned to determine if the structure beads passed in
 Cvotca::csg::BoundaryConditionClass keeps track of how the boundaries of the system are handled
 Cvotca::tools::CalculatorBase class for all calculators
 Cvotca::csg::CGEngineCoarse graining engine
 Cvotca::csg::CGMoleculeDefDefinition of a coarse grained molecule
 Cvotca::csg::CGObserverObserver class for analysis hook
 Cvotca::tools::CorrelateClass to calculate correlations of values
 Cvotca::xtp::CouplingBaseBase Class to derive DFT and BSE coupling from
 Cvotca::tools::CrossCorrelateClass to calculate cross correlations and autocorrelations
 Cvotca::csg::CsgUnitsClass keeps track csgs default units, for when unit conversions are necessarry
 Cvotca::xtp::CudaMatrixBlock< M >
 Cvotca::xtp::CudaMatrixTranspose< M >
 Cvotca::tools::DataCollection< T >This class handles a set of arrays which can be identified by name tags
 Cvotca::tools::DataCollection< double >
 Cvotca::xtp::DavidsonSolverUse Davidson algorithm to solve A*V=E*V
 Cvotca::xtp::OpenMP_CUDA::DefaultReference< T >
 Cvotca::xtp::OpenMP_CUDA::DefaultReference< const Eigen::MatrixXd >
 Cvotca::xtp::OpenMP_CUDA::DefaultReference< const Eigen::VectorXd >
 Cvotca::xtp::OpenMP_CUDA::DefaultReference< Eigen::MatrixXd >
 Cvotca::xtp::DensityIntegration< Grid >
 Cvotca::xtp::DFTEngineElectronic ground-state via Density-Functional Theory
 Cvotca::xtp::ECPAOBasisContainer to hold ECPs for all atoms
 Cvotca::tools::EdgeConnects to vertices
 Cvotca::tools::EdgeContainerEdgeContainer is responsible for operations on groups of edges
 Cvotca::xtp::eeInteractorMediates interaction between polar and static sites
 Cvotca::tools::ElementsInformation about an element
 Cvotca::xtp::ERIsTakes a density matrix and and an auxiliary basis set and calculates the electron repulsion integrals
 Cvotca::xtp::SegmentMapper< AtomContainer >::FragInfo
 Cvotca::tools::globalsClass to store global variables
 Cvotca::tools::GraphNodeA graph node that will take a variety of different values
 Cvotca::csg::Imc::group_tStruct to store collected information for groups (e.g. crosscorrelations)
 Cvotca::csg::RDFCalculator::group_tStruct to store collected information for groups (e.g. crosscorrelations)
 Cvotca::xtp::GWBSEElectronic excitations from GW-BSE
 Cvotca::xtp::GWBSEEngineElectronic Excitations via Density-Functional Theory
 Cstd::hash< votca::tools::Edge >
 Cstd::hash< votca::tools::ReducedEdge >
 Cvotca::xtp::hist< T >
 Cvotca::xtp::hist< double >
 Cvotca::xtp::hist< Eigen::MatrixXd >
 Cvotca::xtp::hist< votca::xtp::Energy_terms >
 Cvotca::tools::HistogramClass to generate histograms
 Cvotca::tools::HistogramNewClass to generate histograms
 Cvotca::xtp::huffmanTree< T >::huffmanNode< S >
 Cvotca::xtp::huffmanTree< T >::huffmanNode< votca::xtp::GLink >
 Cvotca::xtp::huffmanTree< T >
 Cvotca::xtp::huffmanTree< votca::xtp::GLink >
 Cvotca::tools::Identity< T >Information about Identity
 Cvotca::csg::ImcClass to calculate distribution functions and cross correlations for inverse monte carlo
 Cvotca::xtp::checkpoint_utils::InferDataType< T >
 Cvotca::xtp::checkpoint_utils::InferDataType< double >
 Cvotca::xtp::checkpoint_utils::InferDataType< float >
 Cvotca::xtp::checkpoint_utils::InferDataType< int >
 Cvotca::xtp::checkpoint_utils::InferDataType< long int >
 Cvotca::xtp::checkpoint_utils::InferDataType< std::string >
 Cvotca::xtp::checkpoint_utils::InferDataType< unsigned >
 Cvotca::csg::InteractionBase class for all interactions
 Cvotca::csg::Imc::interaction_tStruct to store collected information for interactions
 Cvotca::csg::RDFCalculator::interaction_tStruct to store collected information for interactions
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Cvotca::csg::MoleculeInformation about molecules
 Cvotca::csg::MotifDeconstructor_This is an internal class meant to deconstruct bead motifs into their simple forms
 Cvotca::tools::NameName object
 Cvotca::tools::NDimVector< T, dim >N-Dim Vector
 Cvotca::tools::NDimVector< votca::csg::NBListGrid::cell_t, 3 >
 Cvotca::xtp::NewtonRapson< Func >Newton Rapson rootfinder for 1d functions
 Cvotca::tools::ObjectFactory< key_t, T, args_t >Template class for object factory
 Cvotca::tools::ObjectFactory< std::string, GaussianQuadratureBase >
 Cvotca::tools::ObjectFactory< std::string, JobCalculator >
 Cvotca::tools::ObjectFactory< std::string, QMCalculator >
 Cvotca::tools::ObjectFactory< std::string, QMPackage >
 Cvotca::tools::ObjectFactory< std::string, QMTool >
 Cvotca::tools::ObjectFactory< std::string, Sigma_base, TCMatrix_gwbse &, RPA & >
 Cvotca::tools::ObjectFactory< std::string, StateFilter_base >
 Cvotca::tools::ObjectFactory< std::string, T >
 Cvotca::xtp::OrbitalsContainer for molecular orbitals
 Cvotca::csg::PairList< element_type, pair_type >
 Cvotca::csg::PairList< Bead *, BeadPair >
 Cvotca::csg::PairList< const Segment *, QMPair >
 Cvotca::xtp::Populationanalysis< T >
 Cvotca::xtp::ProgObserver< JobContainer >
 Cvotca::xtp::ProgObserver< std::vector< votca::xtp::Job > >
 Cvotca::xtp::ProgObserver< std::vector< xtp::Job > >
 Cvotca::tools::PropertyClass to manage program options with xml serialization functionality
 Cvotca::tools::PropertyIOManipulatorManipulates the format state of the output stream
 Cvotca::xtp::QMAtomContainer for QM atoms
 Cvotca::xtp::QMFragment< T >
 Cvotca::xtp::QMFragment< double >
 Cvotca::xtp::QMFragment< votca::xtp::BSE_Population >
 Cvotca::xtp::QMStateIdentifier for QMstates. Strings like S1 are converted into enum +zero indexed int
 Cvotca::xtp::QMStateCarrierStorage< T >Storage class for properties of QMStateTypes, which can be used in KMC
 Cvotca::xtp::QMStateCarrierStorage< bool >
 Cvotca::xtp::QMStateCarrierStorage< double >
 Cvotca::csg::RDFCalculatorClass to calculate distribution functions and cross correlations for inverse monte carlo
 Cvotca::csg::ResidueClass for a residue
 Cvotca::xtp::SegmentMapper< AtomContainer >::Seginfo
 Cvotca::xtp::SegmentMapper< AtomContainer >
 Cvotca::tools::DataCollection< T >::selectionClass for array selection
 Cvotca::tools::SplineSpline Class
 CCGForceMatching::SplineInfoStructure, which contains CubicSpline object with related parameters
 Cvotca::xtp::StateFilter_baseBase Class for statefilter
 Cvotca::xtp::StateTrackerTracks from a spectrum of states the state, which fullfills certain criteria
 Cvotca::xtp::StaticSiteClass to represent Atom/Site in electrostatic
 Cvotca::tools::StructureParametersProvides a means to standardise the constructors of different classes
 Cvotca::tools::TableClass to store tables like rdfs, tabulated potentials, etc
 Cvotca::tools::ThreadFramework for threaded execution
 Cvotca::xtp::TimeStampTimestamp returns the current time as a string Example: cout << TimeStamp()
 Cvotca::tools::TokenizerBreak string into words
 Cvotca::csg::TopologyTopology of the whole system
 Cvotca::xtp::TopologyContainer for segments and box and atoms
 Cvotca::csg::TrajectoryReaderTrajectoryreader interface
 Cvotca::xtp::TransitionDensitiesGeneralized transition densities tools for different excited states
 Cvotca::csg::TripleList< element_type, triple_type >
 Cvotca::csg::TripleList< Bead *, BeadTriple >
 Cvotca::tools::internal::type< T >
 Cvotca::tools::UnitConverterClass converts between different unit types
 Cvotca::xtp::vc2indexThis class transforms a pair of indices v,c into a compound index I, via I=ctotal*v+c the fast dimension is c. If you have a choice iterate over c and v not over I
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 Cvotca::xtp::Vxc_FunctionalsConversion of functional string into integer
 Cvotca::xtp::Vxc_Potential< Grid >
 Cvotca::xtp::Vxc_Potential< Grid >::XC_entry